Month September 2018

Proposed Project

To begin, I have chosen to do a research proposal for my project in this course. Previously in nursing, I did a descriptive literature review (DLR) as well as a critical literature review (CLR) on the topic of coping mechanisms in African American women with breast cancer. For Nursing Inquiry III I have decided to … Continue reading Proposed Project

Brittney’s Research Blog


LA 3 – Background

In the previous BSN Research & Inquiry Courses, my focus for the DLR & CLR assignments was on the effects of exercise on the common Cancer-related symptom; fatigue. For this year’s research and inquiry course, I have decided to remain focused on this topic with a slight modification. The modified focus will be aiming to… Continue Reading →

LA3 Background (Jacob Kenney)

For my previous assignment in Nursing Inquiry, I had researched various socioeconomic factors impacting adult obesity. For this semester, my intended goal is to follow my previous research and to explore gaps in the research. In order to do this I would like to complete a research proposal exploring the previously identified gaps relating to… Continue Reading →

Learning Activity 3: Background

Our final project will be to construct a proposal website that emphasizes the topic of physician assisted suicide. Although the subject is fairly new in research, it continues to spark ethical debates within and outside of the health care system. Research has mostly identified influencing factors related to clients and their decision to consider physician… Continue reading Learning Activity 3: Background

Heart Failure Patients and Readmission Rates – LA #3

For my final assignment, my topic for BSN 4416 will be a continuation of the previous topic that I researched in my Critical Literature Review (CLR) last semester. I will further explore heart failure and its readmission rates because according to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, in 2016 there were 600,000 Canadians living with heart … Continue reading Heart Failure Patients and Readmission Rates – LA #3

LA3: Background (Josee Vaillancourt)

For a previously completed Critical Literature Review, I focused on the topic regarding the impact of yoga practice as a nonpharmacological intervention for management of cancer-treatment related symptoms in patients undergoing conventional treatment. In the completion of Nursing Inquiry, I would like to further expand my knowledge regarding this topic by possibly creating a Literature… Continue Reading →

The Effects of Music Therapy on Premature Infants// LA3

Each year, more than 15 million babies are born preterm, and due to associated complications, preterm birth is the leading cause of death for children under five (World Health Organization [WHO], 2017).  Preterm infants that survive are at risk for disabilities, problems with vision and hearing, as well as issues with overall neurodevelopment (Keith, Russel, … Continue reading The Effects of Music Therapy on Premature Infants// LA3


Learning Activity 3 Hi Everyone, For our final research class I have decided to complete a literature review with the hopes of working towards publication. I have chosen to change my focus from last year as I feel this topic is very prominent amoung nursing students. This literature review will focus on academic integrity within … Continue reading BSN4416

Taylor Hopkins

  LA 3 Through a research proposal, the topic explored recognizes the knowledge deficit in caregivers implementing music therapy in Alzheimer’s/Dementia patients. Literature has proven the benefits of music therapy on behaviours exhibited by Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients. The incidence of this disease appears to be on the rise and no cure currently exists (Chow … Continue reading Taylor Hopkins

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