Ethics is a key consideration in any research project. To successfully complete this course students will need to complete the tutorial found at, submit their certificate, and complete a follow-up assignment. We will discuss what the assignment should be and co-construct a rubric for it during a live session and follow-up discussion during week 2.

By completing this assignment, learners will meet the following course objectives:

Outcome Objective
4. Demonstrate ethical critical inquiry in relation to new knowledge and technologies that change, enhance or support nursing disciplinary members. A. Complete the TCPS 2: CORE — Tutorial.

B. Recall the human rights issues that must be considered in a nursing research project.

C. Describe the philosophical basis for the implementation of ethically sound research.

D. Recognize the procedures that are used to protect human rights within the research process.

E. Respect participants’ capacity for self-determination.

F. Plan to protect the rights of vulnerable subjects.

G. Respect and uphold research ethical principles.


View the co-constructed below or click here to open it in Google Docs.

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