Month October 2018

Learning Activity 4: Problem, Purpose, Questions

Refined Background: Physician assisted suicide (PAS) is commonly defined within the literature as a physician’s intentional action of assisting a patient in terminating their own life (Woods & Asher, 2015). Although the subject is fairly new in research, it continues to spark ethical debates [within and outside of the health care system] on an international… Continue reading Learning Activity 4: Problem, Purpose, Questions

LA4 Feedback-Based Revised: Brooke, Brett, Josee

According to statistics Canada (2018), in 2013 there were 380,323 recorded births of which 29,716 were premature births. Premature birth is defined as birth that occurs before 37 weeks’ gestation (WHO). Previously, prematurity was defined in correlation with birth weight (Ionio, et al. 2016). However, recently, gestational age has become the primary marker of physical … Continue reading LA4 Feedback-Based Revised: Brooke, Brett, Josee

LA- #5 (ethics)

When doing research, we are seeking to understand something which nobody is aware of yet, which potentially carries risks to anyone involved (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, & Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2014, p. 5) Due to these risks, ethics is an important … Continue reading LA- #5 (ethics)

LA 5: Ethics

Participants in research studies have the right to be protected from potential harm through ethical and legal obligations of the researchers. Studies are required to gain approval from an ethical board prior to beginning research (Lobiondo-Wood & Haber, 2013). The three concepts required for participant protection in a research study, as outlined in Tri-Council Policy… Continue Reading →

LA4: Purpose, Problems, Questions & Rough Plan

Refined Background: Pain assessment for dementia patients can be significantly difficult due to their inability to appropriately communicate their discomfort. As a result, pain is often improperly identified in this population leading to the potential to either over-medicate or under-treat patients (Jordan, Regnard, O’Brien & Hughes, 2011). Undertreatment of pain may lead to unnecessary suffer,… Continue Reading →

LA #4- Purpose, Problems, and Questions

Refined background Terminal illness and physician assisted suicide (PAD) are two phenomena that carry significant correlations to one another (Woods & Asher, 2015).  Physician-assisted suicide is defined… Read more “LA #4- Purpose, Problems, and Questions”

Project Plan

Diabetes has become more widespread impacting four-hundred and twenty-two million in 2014, which is an increase from 1980 with only one-hundred and eight million affected (World Health Organization [WHO], 2017). Diabetes puts an immense strain on the healthcare system because it causes macrovascular and microvascular complications ultimately leading to physical and psychological anguish (Chatterjee, Khunti, … Continue reading Project Plan

Learning Activity #5

In research, ethics is a critical component of the study. Ethics can be defined as a discipline or theory regarding the principles of moral conduct and value (Lobiondo-Wood & Haber, 2013). The public is able to value and have confidence in the research if it was managed in an ethical manner (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, … Continue reading Learning Activity #5

Protected: Grade negotiation assignments

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Learning Activity #4

This is an edited version of learning activity #3.            Diabetes has become more widespread impacting four-hundred and twenty-two million in 2014 and only one-hundred and eight million in 1980 (World Health Organization [WHO], 2017). Diabetes puts a huge strain on the healthcare system because it causes macrovascular and microvascular complications … Continue reading Learning Activity #4

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