YouTube automatically creates closed captioning. You can review, and edit the closed captioning or upload and sync your script as the captions in the video manager. The accuracy of automatic closed captions varies based on the complexity of the words in the video.    Taking the time to adjust the closed captions improves their accuracy. 

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Editing Video

If you are a perfectionist editing may never end … don’t be too hard on yourself. It does not need to be perfect. You will find many recommendations on YouTube, but keep in mind if you are an educator video creation is likely a hobby, not a career.   I use Camtasia and Adobe Premiere depending on […]

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Editing Audio

Remove background noise as much as possible (record in a quiet place to make life easier!). Some editors have automatic ways to remove background noise. Generally, automatic options are good enough for me. Sometimes I make adjustments, but I keep reminding myself that it does not need to be perfect.   In Camtasia: Follow this guide. […]

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Feeling Comfortable on Camera

There are a lot of good tips out there for getting started being on-camera. The ones I have found most useful are: Practice while walking around the house Be natural Don’t give up – keep recording videos Smile The camera is my friend Tension and release: Consciously tensing muscles then conscientiously relaxing them Breath deeply Trust […]

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Pimp your Video!

H5P Interactive Video H5P is a relatively new, open source project that allows educators to create and share interactive content for free, using a web-based platform that will continue to improve and evolve as web developers volunteer their time to write new code. At present, H5P content can be embedded into WordPress and Drupal websites, […]

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Licensing Matters

“The Standard YouTube License is found in Section 6 of YouTube’s Terms of Service. You also have the option of the Creative Commons Attribution license. Learn more.” I am exploring the impact of both licensing options on my YouTube channel and if the CC-BY license actually means anything on YouTube. Creative Commons licensing would, at a minimum, […]

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Uploading: More than a Title!

If you want to reach more people it is important to pay attention to your title, description, and tags. This information helps your videos show up in searches. Don’t forget to add your videos to playlists! You can set defaults in the creator studio under channel > Upload defaults.  

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Editing: DIY vs. Done for you

Video Editing is Time-Intensive. DIY for Complete Control. Get Help for Quick, Professional Results.  The video below (on Cambrian’s channel) took me less than half an hour because it was not scripted and Jeff edited it. To do it myself it would have taken a full day!   If the screens below look scary – get […]

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Tips for Recording

Ensure You reduce background noise and have a plan.   Priorities Content Audio Lighting Video Quality   For Screen Captures: Your voice must be captivating! You cannot use eye contact so you need to work harder to keep audience retention, especially for something educational. Practice. Don’t sound bored. Consider using a good quality microphone. Reduce background […]

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