Simple cost-effective approaches to do it yourself video production!

Save Time

No matter what phase you are in here are some tips to help you save time:

A video about SMART goals (that also shows that videos do not need to be perfect to be useful)

Have a plan. Seriously. Planning ahead saves a lot of time. Some people like a detailed plan others like to do it live (right Jeff?), but either way, some kind of plan is needed.

Limit your time. I find I can spend hours and hours on perfecting a video, which really isn’t necessary. Being human (rather than perfect and polished) actually helps with audience engagement. Set limits and stick to them. I like SMART goals to help me with this.

Improve over time. Do something small each time you record to try and improve the next vide, but don’t waste time on one video.

More tips!

We have divided the tips according to the phases of working on video:
