Consent for Participants

Exploring the experience of evaluating open educational resources for use in accredited health care programs

Institution:       Cambrian College, School of Health Sciences, Nursing and Emergency Services

Investigator:    Laura Killam, MScN, R.N.


I have read the information about the research project and understand that:

  • Laura Killam, a fellow with eCampusOntario and employee at Cambrian College, is conducting this study.
  • the purpose of this study is to to explore the challenges and benefits that educators in accredited health care programs face when striving to find and use open educational resources.
  • the data is intended to provide insights into the experience of educators attempting to integrate open educational resources into their teaching.
  • my involvement will be to participate in an interview.
  • the interview will be audio recorded. The recording will be kept in a secure location until the research is complete. Once the study is completed, it will be destroyed.
  • the information I provide will remain confidential by the researcher.
  • names or other personal identifiers will not be included with any presentation or publication.
  • my participation is entirely voluntary. I have the right to refuse to answer any question that makes me feel uncomfortable. I can withdraw at any time.
  • there are no known risks associated with my participation in this study.
  • findings may be used by others to support educators who are trying to use open educational resources.
  • demographic information will be used to broadly describe participants in order to give context to findings.
  • I can ask any questions, at any time during this project.
  • I may request a copy of the results to be emailed to me when they are ready.
  • if I have any questions or concerns regarding my participation in this project, I can contact Laura Killam (705-566-8101, ext.6252){}
  • if I have any questions or concerns regarding the conduct of this study, I am encouraged to contact the Director, Research and Development at Cambrian College (705-566-8101, ext. 7888) who will direct my concerns to the Research Ethics Committee

Do you consent to secondary use of the data obtained during this study in possible future studies (such an analyzing it for a different purpose)?  Please circle:     Yes     or     No

Therefore, I consent to participate in this research study.



Signature of Participant



Signature of Witness




